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Students ages 3-6 will develop confidence, self-awareness, respect for themselves and others, problem solving, listening skills and so much more with our “Littles” Acting Class! They will let their imaginations guide their characters as they learn to tell stories through fun and fast paced theatre games and activities which include skills in improvisation, memorization and working with others! Littles will overcome stage fright with opportunities to appear in both speaking and non-speaking roles in TWNN Productions! Littles will also learn theatre etiquette as both a performer and audience member all while making friends and memories to last a lifetime!
Students ages 7-11 will learn further awareness of the acting processes including; vocal and movement techniques, character development, emotional control and awareness, problem solving, memorization techniques, and more! In this fast paced class designed to jumpstart students into the preparation for auditions and live acting roles, students will develop confidence, self-awareness, respect for themselves and others. Students will take part in fun Theatre games and activities including memorizing material, partner scenes and more! Youth students will further their knowledge of theatre etiquette as both a performer and an audience member. Youth students will also have the opportunity to learn technical skills in sound and lighting as well as set building and costume design!
Students ages 12+ who have never participated in Theatre or Acting Classes will utilize this fast paced class to learn basic and intermediate Acting Skills in order to earn placement in the Advanced Teen Class. Beginning Teen Students will learn character development, memorization techniques, monologue preparation for auditions, skills for individual scenes and scenes with partner and groups. Students will also learn emotional control and reactions in addition to gaining self-confidence, overcoming stage fright, respect for themselves and others as well as self-awareness. Students will also have the opportunity to learn the technical aspects of Theatre including sound and light operation, set building, costume design and more. This class has the goal of moving into the Advanced Teen Class within 6-12 months of entry into Beginning Class. (Advanced Class Placement is based on Teacher Approval).
Advanced students ages 12+ will learn to utilize skills in acting learned in previous lessons to develop characters, react to happenings in scenes and more! In this fast paced class designed for Advanced Teens with the goal of being in Live Shows and Productions, students will choose, memorize and perform their own monologues to be used for Auditions. Advanced students will also have the opportunity to work on independent scenes as well as scenes with partners and groups. Material covered in this class while still age appropriate will include more emotionally complex concepts allowing students to form opinions and learn emotional control, problem solving and out of the box thinking. Class skills will include audition techniques, how to choose monologues that are right for you, writing their own monologue, as well as confidence on and off the stage, leadership techniques, and respect for themselves and others! Students will learn more advanced techniques in lighting, sound and stage management as well as set building and costume design! Advanced Teen Students will also explore advance body awareness and stage combat. TWNN Teens will have the opportunity to act as Junior Camp Counselors during our Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall Break Camps!
1 Hour Class
Instructor: Miss Ashley
315 Spokane Street, Reno, Nevada 89512, United States